Meeting Starter Kit (How to start a meeting)


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This PDF version emulates the Meeting Starter Kit that is mailed to people when they inquire by mail about starting a meeting. Some of the material that is mailed in hard copy is "linked" in this online version. For example, in the PDF, you can click on a hyperlink to view the most current meeting list available, whereas when you are mailed a Meeting Starter Kit, a printed meeting list is included. Order a printed kit here (includes a printed copy of each of our pamphlets). 

Nicotine Anonymous® is a Twelve-Step fellowship of men and women helping each other to live our lives free of nicotine. Our recovery program uses the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions adapted with permission from Alcoholics Anonymous. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using nicotine. Our fellowship defines "abstinence" as a state that begins when all use of nicotine ceases. There are no dues or fees, but we are self-supporting through our own contributions. In addition to the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, our program consists of five "tools"—meetings, sponsorship, literature, phone/email list, and service. 

Many nicotine users chose to end their use of nicotine with the help of nicotine withdrawal aids such as the nicotine patch, nicotine gum, or prescription medications. Use of such substances or products is up to each. Providing support in order to live free of nicotine is our Fellowship’s primary purpose, not how an individual member may choose to get free. (For more information, see the chapter on Tradition Ten in Nicotine Anonymous: The Book)


The Meeting Starter Kit includes:

*Nicotine Anonymous does not endorse any specific software program but provides this format because it is common.

We appreciate your interest and initiative to bring this resource to your community. Members who have started meetings typically express their gratitude for how the effort helps their recovery. You will also be supporting Step Twelve as you become a part of the recovery for the new members who join the meeting over time. Our website displays a copy of each of our current pamphlets so you can read and decide the ones you want to purchase. Our books, booklets, CDs, MP3s, and other items are also available at our Store. Issues of our newsletter, Seven Minutes, can be read on our website. A mailed subscription (for printed copies) can be obtained at our Store, or by mailing in the literature order form. Printed copies of Seven Minutes include an updated Worldwide Meeting Directory with each January issue.


Click to download the entire Starter Kit in Word or PDF* format


Order a printed copy of the
Meeting Starter Kit at our Store.

Order Now

(Includes a printed copy of
each of our pamphlets!)

Meeting Starter Kit  

Remember to register your meeting so it will appear on the meeting list: